Hi I'm

Meg Bruyns

Passionate People Developer and Founder of Fully Alive


To awaken and connect people to their potential, so that, both individually and collectively, they will thrive in every area of life.

That’s my own Personal Purpose Statement: the legacy I want to leave in the world, the inspiration that gives me goosebumps, the compass that guides my actions.

Responsibility | Achiever | Connectedness | Learner | Developer

Those are my Top 5 Clifton Strengths talent themes. My own “areas of greatest potential”, the things I naturally do well and – in “practicing what I preach”! – have also intentionally invested in developing.

In short, I work hard and stake my name against whatever I do. I build bridges, seek knowledge & pursue growth. I am passionate about community, teamwork and stirring the potential in others.

I bring these talents and convictions to every interaction with you.

So why Fully Alive?

I am fortunate to have lived, worked, volunteered and soaked up learning in over 30 countries around the world. I’ve led and been part of vastly varied, cross-cultural teams. I’ve reveled in opportunity and adventure and have felt frustrated and stuck. I’ve changed careers (a few times!).

These first-hand experiences led me to a few truths: 

#1: We each have a unique design. This combo of characteristics will be ignited in certain situations, contexts or jobs. And thereby sets us each up to do something great (though don’t assume “great” automatically equates to riches, fame or reach).

#2: Self-awareness is about understanding that design. It’s an iterative, learning journey, but there are ways to help it along. By intentionally pursuing those things that “ignite” us, we can experience more joy and fulfillment in all aspects of life.

#3: Organisations can help create that opportunity for their teams and will realise a ROI by doing so. Individuals that are aligned and ignited in their work are more creative, engaged and perform better. It’s a win-win.

These truths led me to launch Fully Alive. 

It is fueled by my faith in God, and my love for people. And by this serious, sincere, just-can’t-shake it conviction that everyone can and should thrive in both life and work.

I look forward to sharing this with you.


Before you go…

Are You Building A

Strong, Thriving, Healthy Culture?

A healthy culture is one of the most crucial characteristics of successful teamwork, but the truth is many teams have dangerous cracks in this foundation.

Make sure that’s not you.
Find out how to build strong with
this FREE 7min assessment.

Before you go…

What's the one glaring gap in your Company & Team Culture?

Grab this free guide to find out what it is and how to fix it, right now.

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